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Carpaccio Truffle Sauce 250 ml

Carpaccio Truffle Sauce 250 ml

Normal price CHF 17.90
Normal price Selling price CHF 17.90
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Effortless class! With this sauce you can easily add the icing on the cake to your carpaccio. Along with Blasamico and mustard seeds, white truffle is the absolute superstar in this sauce. Carpaccio was invented in Venice in 1950. Giuseppe Cipriani, owner of Harry's Bar, had many famous guests including Charlie Chaplin and Ernest Hemmingway. He also counted a Venetian countess, Amalia Nani Mocenigo, among his regular customers. She suffered from anemia and was only allowed to eat raw red meat by her doctor. Cipriani named his dish after the painter Vittore Carpaccio, whose work was on display in an exhibition in Venice at the time.


Rapsöl, Sonnenblumenöl, Wasser, Eigelb, Trüffelöl (5%), Condimento bianco (Sulfit), Honig, Trüffeltapenade (2%) (Champignons, natives Olivenöl extra, Trüffelsaft, Sommertrüffel, Hefeextrakt, Salz), Essig, Balsamico Essig (Sulfit), Salz, Zucker, Gewürze, Senfkörner, Aroma (Sellerie, Soja), Antioxidationsmittel: Rosmarinextrakt, Konservierungsstoff: Kaliumsorbat.


Value per
100 G
Energie in KJ
2,793 KJ
Energie in KCal
669 KCAL
71.3 G
Davon gesättigste Fetsäuren
6.7 G
4.5 G
Davon Zucker
4.0 G
1.2 G
0.80 G


  • Ei
  • Soja
  • Sellerie
  • Senf
  • Sulfit

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