Chipotle Chili Sauce 220 ml
Chipotle Chili Sauce 220 ml
Normal price
CHF 13.90
Normal price
Selling price
CHF 13.90
Base price
In addition to the Chipotle Chilli Seasoning, we offer another sauce variant for BBQ lovers and all chili fans: the Chipotle Chili Sauce. Delicious with tender spare ribs or your favorite hamburger. This smoky, sweet sauce really rounds off the authentic smoky taste that the charcoal gives to the BBQ meat. This chipotle chili sauce tastes great with chicken and spare ribs, or in a traditional chili con carne. Dutch bapao or spring rolls also become a taste experience with this sauce. Due to the spicy heat, please use it sparingly.
Chipotle are ripe, wood-smoked, thick-fleshed jalapeños (hot chili peppers). The fruity, spicy, world-famous specialty is not too spicy. It has a great smoky aroma and originally comes from Mexico.
Chipotle are ripe, wood-smoked, thick-fleshed jalapeños (hot chili peppers). The fruity, spicy, world-famous specialty is not too spicy. It has a great smoky aroma and originally comes from Mexico.
Zucker, rote Paprika (23%), Wasser, Traubenessig, Chipotlepaste (6%) (Chipotle-Püree, Wasser, Branntweinessig, Zucker, Salz, Tomatenmark), Maismehl, konzentrierter Zitronensaft, Knoblauch, Salz, rote Pepperoni.
Value per
100 G
Energie in KJ
1,074 KJ
Energie in KCal
253 KCAL
0.2 G
Davon gesättigste Fetsäuren
0.0 G
61.3 G
Davon Zucker
59.5 G
0.7 G
1.44 G