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Dipper Toscana 65 g

Dipper Toscana 65 g

Normal price CHF 10.90
Normal price Selling price CHF 10.90
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"Dip your bread in oil with this aromatic herb mixture and feel the Tuscan lifestyle! 🌿✨ Strongly seasoned with paprika, garlic, chili, coriander, and cumin – perfect for marinades, dressings, or as a topping for potatoes and eggs."

Do you love spicy dipping oil? Then you absolutely have to try the Dipper Toskana! Mix 1 tsp of dipping herbs with 3 tsp of extra virgin olive oil and enjoy it with baguette or grissinis.

But Dippers can do so much more! How about a crispy marinated chicken from the oven or a spicy grilled steak? Just mix the herb blend with olive oil, let the meat soak in it, and off you go! The Dipper also adds a special flavor to potatoes, eggs, or savory pancakes. And for a dressing with a real Italian touch, just add it to olive oil and vinegar. It even works excellently in sauces!

Spice up your popcorn with Dipper instead of salt – you will be surprised at how good it tastes! 🍿😋


Gewürze und Kräuter (roter Paprika (11%), Knoblauch, Chili, Oregano, Thymian, Koriander, Cumin, Zwiebeln, Pfeffer, Basilikum, Rosmarin, Sellerie), Gemüse (Zwiebeln, Karotten, Petersilie, Pastinke), Speisesalz z.T. jodiert, getrockneter Glukosesirup, Dextrose, Speizewürze (hydrolisiertes Pflanzenprotein (Mais, Raps)), Olivenöl, teilgehärtetes Palmfett, Gewürzextrakt (enthält Sellerie).


Value per
100 G
Energie in KJ
1,303 KJ
Energie in KCal
311 KCAL
6.6 G
Davon gesättigste Fetsäuren
2.0 G
44.6 G
Davon Zucker
21.6 G
8.9 G
21.30 G


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