Jungle Døg Gelb Chilli sauce 60 ml
Jungle Døg Gelb Chilli sauce 60 ml
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1 bottle of JUNGLE DØG yellow contains 60ml chili sauce.
Chilisorte: Fatalii Yellow.
JUNGLE DØG yellow is slightly hotter than JUNGLE DØG red.
About the brand:
Many chilies and chili products travel halfway around the world before they end up on our plates. This madness doesn't have to be the case, because even the most exotic chili varieties can be cultivated here. All chilies that are processed into JUNGLE DØG and JUNGLE FRØG grow in Switzerland, and in urban agriculture. JUNGLE DØG is a purist chili sauce that gives all imaginable dishes a fiery spiciness and complements their taste with an exotic, fruity flavor without overpowering it. We have also designed JUNGLE FRØG, a chili salt that sends a strong message against food waste: It only contains chilies that no longer fully ripen in autumn.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jngldg/