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Lemon & Gin Marmalade 220 g

Lemon & Gin Marmalade 220 g

Normal price CHF 13.90
Normal price Selling price CHF 13.90
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Lemon & Gin marmalade. Attention gin fans! This jam is a perfect blend of lemon, lime and gin. The fresh, sweet jam is made with a whopping 44g of lemon and 4g of lime per 100g, making it all the more delicious and special.

Start your day with a breakfast of yogurt and a spoonful of this delicious gin and lemon jam. Or spread it on a slice or toast.

The fresh, sweet taste of the jam goes perfectly with sweet pastries, for example as a cake filling. Also delicious as an extra to a lemon mousse. Or try them with some crumbled cantuccini in the bottom of a glass, then top with the lemon mousse and finish with the gin jam. A gin dessert that will really surprise your guests!


Zucker, Zitronenfruchteisch (44%) (EU), Limettenabrieb (4%) (Zitronenabrieb, Limettenöl, Limettenkonzentrat, Wasser) (EU und nicht-EU), Gin (4%) (nicht-EU), Geliermittel: Pektin, Wacholderbeeren Aroma. Kann Spuren enthalten von: Senf, Ei, Milch, Soja, Sult und Gluten.Hergestelt aus 44 g Zitrone und 4 g Limette je 100 g Produkt. Gesamtzuckergehalt 64 g je 100 g.Kühl, trocken und vor direktem Sonnelicht geschützt lagern. Nach dem Öffnen kühl lagern. Innerhalb von 4 Wochen verzehren.


Value pro
100 G
Energie KJ
971 KJ
Energie Kcal
227 KCAL
0,2 G
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0,0 G
59,0 G
davon Zucker
59,0 G
0,2 G
0,01 G


  • mosterd
  • ei
  • melk
  • soja
  • sulfiet
  • gluten

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