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Purple Curry S! 70 G

Purple Curry S! 70 G

Normal price CHF 12.90
Normal price Selling price CHF 12.90
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Purple curry is a new taste and color experience in the colorful curry world!

In addition to the well-known curry ingredients such as turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, allspice and cardamom, this exotic curry mixture is made with pineapple fruit powder and coriander. Ancho chili and ginger also provide a light, pleasant spiciness. Ground hibiscus and beetroot powder are responsible for the extravagant purple color.

Purple Curry tastes like a classic and full-bodied curry, but also has a delicate sour and fruity finish that will surprise you.


Gewürze (Koriander, Kurkuma, Hibiskus, Paprika, Ingwer, Kreuzkümmel, SENFkörner, Bockshornkleesaat, Pfeffer, SELLERIE, Zimt, Piment, Kardamom, Chilis, Ancho Chili, Fenchel, Nelken, Knoblauch, Muskatnuss, Zwiebel, Kümmel, Rote Bete), Ananasfruchtpulver (Ananassaft, Maltodextrin, Traubenzucker).
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