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Saveurade Assisi 250 ml

Saveurade Assisi 250 ml

Normal price CHF 15.90
Normal price Selling price CHF 15.90
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Basil, onion and garlic are the basic ingredients of this delicious culinary marinade. This concentrated marinade tastes excellent with fish, meat or as a base for Dressings or for sauces. The Italian-influenced marinade is ideal for preparing many dishes thanks to the taste of basil, onion and garlic. Because of their high concentration, you only need very little of it. With one tablespoon you can prepare 100 grams of meat or fish, and Saveurade Assisi tastes fabulous with it. But much more is possible!

For a special Dressing over carpaccio or caprese salad, mix 1 teaspoon of marinade with 3 tablespoons of EV olive oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Also delicious: a soup made from 3 parts bouillon and 1 part cream, refined with a little saveurade. 1 - 2 tbsp Saveurade mixed with 100 g butter creates a delicious herb butter in no time. Spread it on the base of your fresh Italian pizza and top it with goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and rocket. Magnifico!

The Saveurade Assisi is just one of three fantastic culinary marinades, exclusively available at Oil & Vinegar. Also try the Saveurade Sevilla with peppers, tomatoes and onions, or Saveurade Fréjus with garlic, parsley and onions. They all taste simply irresistible, an endless pleasure!


vollständig gehärtetes Rapsöl, Petersilie, Glukosesirup, Salz, Zwiebel (6%), Basilikum (5%), Knoblauch (5%), Bouillonpulver (Salz, Eiweißhydrolysat aus Raps, Kartoffelstärke, Zucker, Aroma, Maltodextrin, Sonnenblumenöl, Lorbeerblatt, Gewürznelke, Kurkuma) Natürliches Kloblaucharoma, Trennmittel: Siliziumdioxid, Rosmarin, Oregano, Natürliches Zwiebelaroma.


Value per
100 G
Energie in KJ
2,972 KJ
Energie in KCal
722 KCAL
75.2 G
Davon gesättigste Fetsäuren
14.3 G
5.9 G
Davon Zucker
1.8 G
3.1 G
9.60 G


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