Smoky Grill BBQ Sauce 250 ml
Smoky Grill BBQ Sauce 250 ml
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CHF 12.90
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CHF 12.90
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This spicy-sweet sauce with a smoky flavor is indispensable for BBQ or grilling. Delicious as a table sauce or for marinating and grilling meat such as spare ribs or beef chops, chicken legs or chicken drumsticks. Nowhere are marinades and sauces more important than when grilling. There are often different sauces on the table. And nothing is tastier than marinating meat yourself at home. There is also a wide selection of flavors for this.
Oil & Vinegar Smoky Grill Sauce is sweet and spicy at the same time and also has the typical smoky taste that is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. The Smokey Grill Sauce is based on tomatoes, contains, among other things, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, coriander, a balanced spice mixture and no artificial additives. You can use this barbecue sauce to marinate meat.
Barbecue sauce has its origins in America and is estimated to have been used since the 17th century. But it wasn't until after 1900 that the first commercial barbecue sauce was released. Depending on the region, the flavor can vary greatly: sometimes tomatoes are the basis for the barbecue sauce, other times it is based on vinegar and mustard.
Start the fire now!
Oil & Vinegar Smoky Grill Sauce is sweet and spicy at the same time and also has the typical smoky taste that is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. The Smokey Grill Sauce is based on tomatoes, contains, among other things, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, coriander, a balanced spice mixture and no artificial additives. You can use this barbecue sauce to marinate meat.
Barbecue sauce has its origins in America and is estimated to have been used since the 17th century. But it wasn't until after 1900 that the first commercial barbecue sauce was released. Depending on the region, the flavor can vary greatly: sometimes tomatoes are the basis for the barbecue sauce, other times it is based on vinegar and mustard.
Start the fire now!
Tomatenmark (21%), Zucker, Sonnenblumenöl, Senfkörner, Apfelessig, Pepperonipaste, Sojasoße, natürlich geräucherter Zucker, Koriander, Gewürze, Salz.
Value per
100 G
Energie in KJ
710 KJ
Energie in KCal
167 KCAL
4.0 G
Davon gesättigste Fetsäuren
1.0 G
39.8 G
Davon Zucker
24.4 G
1.5 G
0.50 G
- Soja
- Senf