Spritz Vinegar 250 ml
Spritz Vinegar 250 ml
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CHF 19.90
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CHF 19.90
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The taste of orange goes wonderfully with the mild, creamy taste of avocado. Very fine as a dressing in combination with our Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil, especially iceberg lettuce with avocado, cherry tomatoes and shrimp.
Deliciously fruity as a typical Italian spritz drink made from 3 parts Prosecco, 1 part mineral water (200 ml) and 2 tablespoons of Spritz Vinegar in a large wine glass with ice cubes, garnished with a slice of orange. Tastes wonderfully fresh with a slight bitter note. Great as a non-alcoholic cocktail even without Prosecco.
Makes a fine summer marinade for salmon or chicken skewers in combination with extra virgin olive oil with garlic and our Smokey BBQ Mix.
Dressing tip: Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Orange
Deliciously fruity as a typical Italian spritz drink made from 3 parts Prosecco, 1 part mineral water (200 ml) and 2 tablespoons of Spritz Vinegar in a large wine glass with ice cubes, garnished with a slice of orange. Tastes wonderfully fresh with a slight bitter note. Great as a non-alcoholic cocktail even without Prosecco.
Makes a fine summer marinade for salmon or chicken skewers in combination with extra virgin olive oil with garlic and our Smokey BBQ Mix.
Dressing tip: Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Orange
Essigzubereitung mit natürlichemOrangen Aroma und natürlichem EnzianAroma - Zutaten: Fruchtsirup (Trauben)(52%) (Italien), Weißweinessig (40%) (EU),Wasser, natürliche Aromen, natürlichesOrangen Aroma (0,5%), natürliches EnzianAroma (0,1%), färbendes Konzentrat:Färberdistel, Zitrone, Karotte und schwarzeJohannisbeere, Antioxidationsmittel:Kaliummetabisulfiet.
Value per
100 G
Energie in KJ
862 KJ
Energie in KCal
206 KCAL
0 G
Davon gesättigste Fetsäuren
0 G
47 G
Davon Zucker
46.6 G
0 G
0 G
- Sulfit