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<tc>Dressing</tc> Kit 3 x 100 ml

<tc>Dressing</tc> Kit 3 x 100 ml

Normal price CHF 32.90
Normal price Selling price CHF 32.90
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These oil and vinegar bottles are presented in an attractive gift box. This makes the Dressing kit a really great gift for anyone who likes to prepare fresh Dressings! Fig Agrodolce and basil olive oil make a perfect Dressing for lamb's lettuce and goat cheese.
A few splashes of Marc de Champagne-Agrodolce and basil olive oil (refined with mustard to taste) are the best recommendation for ripe tomatoes and rocket salad.
Just try other delicious ones in one of our shops Combinations!


Fig Crema Vinegar: Dattelsirup, Balsamico Essig aus Modena (Weinessig, konzentrierter Traubenmost) (Sulfit), Fruchtsirup (Traube), Essig, Feigensaft aus Konzentrat (5%), Aroma. Olive Oil with Basil: Natives Olivenöl Extra (99%), natürliches Aroma, natürliches Basilikumaroma (0,2%). Marc de Champagne Vinegar: Fruchtsirup (Traube), Weißweinessig (60%), natürliches Marc de Champagne Aroma, Antioxidationsmittel: Kaliummetabisulfit.


Value per
100 G
Energie in KJ
1,395 KJ
Energie in KCal
328 KCAL
0.4 G
Davon gesättigste Fetsäuren
0.1 G
78.3 G
Davon Zucker
59.6 G
0.5 G
0.07 G


  • Sulfit

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