Ultimate Burger Sauce - 250 ml
Ultimate Burger Sauce - 250 ml
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CHF 13.90
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CHF 13.90
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This Burger Pickle Sauce is the perfect sauce for burgers. It contains various herbs, ketchup and mayonnaise and therefore has a wonderfully spicy, creamy taste. The vegetable pieces give it a garden-fresh aroma with a great bite. It is also particularly delicious with grilled steak, chicken breast and white fish.
There are countless variations of hamburger recipes. The basis is of course always a fine fried patty on a bun. This burger sauce is a true all-rounder and therefore goes well with all types of burgers. Simply choose your favorite ingredients and give your burgers the ultimate flavor kick with this sauce.
Rapsöl, Zucker, Gewürzgurke (11%) (EU und nicht-EU), Senfsaat, Essig, Wasser, rote Zwiebel, Eigelb, Tomatenpulver, Salz, Gewürze (1,1%) (EU und nicht-EU), roter Pfeffer, Ingwer, Säureregulator: Essigsäure und Calciumchlorid und Zitronensäure, Essig (Sulfit), Gewürze, Chilis, Antioxidationsmittel: Rosmarinextrakt, Konservierungsmittel: Kaliumsorbat, Aroma (enthält Soja, Sellerie), Zwiebelpulver.
Value pro
100 G
Energie KJ
1664 KJ
Energie Kcal
397 KCAL
35,4 G
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
3,0 G
17,1 G
davon Zucker
14,4 G
2,5 G
1,89 G
- ei
- senf
- sellerie
- soja
- sulfit